Please watch the video below if you'd like to know the details of my proposed #RepthePeople System of Congressional representation whereby I will communicate with the People, listen to the People to receive their mandate, and then follow through with that mandate. We believe this will be revolutionary in nature, and change the political landscape throughout the U.S. for good, for the People's benefit.
The #RepthePeople System


1. As your Senator, I will communicate with you on each legislative agenda that comes before the U.S. Senate, listen to the People, and follow through on your mandates delivered to me via my proposed #RepthePeople System and #EmpowerthePeople System of Congressional representation.
2. To never ask for more than $5 donations from average everyday Americans like you and I. I'll also never take any donations from PACs or special interest groups.
3. To not serve more than two terms max.
4. To offer a position on my staff to the 4 most popular losing candidates in my race for U.S. Senate in the spirit of unity and healing, to form a council that can offer different and varied perspectives on each legislative agenda to let the People judge for themselves what is in their own best interest without the filter of censorship, biased media, and political propaganda. It's time to come together and debate the REAL ISSUES (actual proposed legislation).
5. As your Senator, when Congress is not in session, I will be in New Mexico to stay close to my constituents and make it a point to continue to make myself personally available to listen to their concerns.
