Please watch the video below if you'd like to know the details of my proposed #RepthePeople System of Congressional representation whereby I will communicate with the People, listen to the People to receive their mandate, and then follow through with that mandate. We believe this will be revolutionary in nature, and change the political landscape throughout the U.S. for good, for the People's benefit.
The #RepthePeople System


During my campaign, the People will have questions, and I've already been asked quite a few about our proposition. I welcome any and all questions, because this is YOUR campaign! We can work together to refine this system of representation, so please send me any suggestions or questions you may have. Also, if you have not done so yet, please watch my presentation of our proposed #RepthePeople System of Congressional representation before viewing the FAQ portion or sending me a question or concern as I may have already addressed it in the video.
Q: How will you ensure that it is only registered voters being polled?

A: A mailer will be sent out to every registered voter, which will have a unique serial number to give them access to the polls via the website, mail, or call-in.
Q: How will you ensure that these polls are true and trustworthy?

A: Audits will be done at least every six months, taking samples (1000) of votes and contacting each one to verify their input. Also, I'll have an open poll that will be reset every quarter, asking the People if there should be an audit by an external third party. If they say yes, I will then take auditor applications of different third parties, and then put it to a public poll of which one to approve. This way, we can ensure transparency, to prove that I am indeed doing what I promised.
Q: How will you build this system?

A: The office of a U.S. Senator receives about three to six million dollars a year to perform their representative duties (I know), called SOPOEA. As Senator, my office will have plenty of funding to implement this system. This will ensure that we have access to state-of-the-art technology and cyber security and we can take back our Congress.
Q: Will you be using a simple majority in your polling to determine the will of the People?

A: This question is answered in detail in my presentation of our proposed system of representation at the 28:45 mark.
Q: How will you serve the voter who does not wish to use the internet?

A: Should they so choose, voters will be able to call in to my office to have their opinion recorded in the online polls if they are not comfortable with using the website themselves. They will also be able to respond by mail or email if they wish.
Q: What if there isn't enough time to poll the People on a certain issue in the Senate?

A: When I first take office I will let the People tell me what I should do in such a scenario using a rank choice poll. The result of the survey will determine my course of action going forward. I can either follow my own lead in the matter (risking the chance that I would do the opposite of what the People would want), or vote present (without a yea or nay), or default to no and demand more time for the People which is my preference. Every quarter we will poll the People asking them if we should change the default action. If they say yes, then we'll survey again to determine what my default course of action would be.
Q: How do we know we can trust you to do what you say you will do?

A: I'll be honest with you, and tell you that you can't trust me. The truth is, you shouldn't trust anyone in power! Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. However, let me ask you, what do you have to lose? You can go ahead and keep voting party line for politicians who never keep their promises when it actually counts, or you can vote for a man who is outright promising you that he will follow your mandates in every issue and actually be your Senator who is not the puppet of the big money interests currently running Congress. The choice is yours. Besides, I can tell you I wouldn't want to live with the shame of openly breaking my solemn promise to you. My word and reputation are worth more to me than winning a political office. Honestly, I really don't know how some of these politicians can live with themselves in good conscience. I suppose the millions of dollars, the "prestige" of the office, and power they get in return for selling you out helps them sleep better at night.