Please watch the video below if you'd like to know the details of my proposed #RepthePeople System of Congressional representation whereby I will communicate with the People, listen to the People to receive their mandate, and then follow through with that mandate. We believe this will be revolutionary in nature, and change the political landscape throughout the U.S. for good, for the People's benefit.
The #RepthePeople System


I will share my vision and inspire the People to demand representatives in Congress who are truly their representatives, and not the representatives of big money donors of the major political parties. I will build a coalition of average citizens within my State of New Mexico who share this vision and understand the importance of self-governance. Together, we will build a bottom-up grassroots movement to inspire the People to take back the law-making power that is rightly theirs.

During my campaign, I will begin the work of building the basic framework for a system of open communication between me and the registered voters of New Mexico. Utilizing modern technology, we will have a website giving the registered voters of New Mexico the ability to participate in public polls regarding all federal legislative issues. This will be the trial run before I take office to show the People that this can work. My system won't leave the non-technologically savvy voter behind, but we will also have the option for voters to call in or respond by mail to participate in my legislative surveys if they so choose.

Using what I learn on the campaign with the trial run of this new system of communication between me and the voters of New Mexico, I will refine and make changes as necessary. I will ensure a system that is fair and inclusive of all registered voters so they have easy access to me, and all of their voices are heard in giving me my mandates as their Senator.
I will then build a team of legal advisors with a specialty in Constitutional law, to break down proposed legislation in easy to understand language for the People. I also intend to build a diverse team (a council of the top four losing candidates in the race for US Senate) with different political leanings in order to avoid certain biases we all have. Each of them, as well as myself, will present to my constituents their respective arguments from differing perspectives via different social media outlets like my own website, Facebook, Youtube, Bitchute, Vimeo, etc. Basically, I will facilitate a virtual forum between differing perspectives that is free from censorship and divisive rhetoric, focusing only on the facts and the issues at hand, and possible courses of action. This will keep the People knowledgeable about the federal legislative agenda, empowering them with the knowledge necessary to formulate a well-informed opinion on the real "issues", and not party propaganda. My office will be a true crucible of fair and honest competition between opposing ideals. Then the People can know they've been won over to an opinion with nothing but sound logic, by the noble intention to benefit them and not other special interests at their expense.
Empowering the People with the knowledge necessary to judge for themselves what is in their own best interests, the registered voters of New Mexico will each be given special access to the polling section of my website, where the polls for each legislative issue in the U.S. Senate will be available for them to vote on. They can participate in the surveys by mail, email, phone, or online, and then I will act according to the results of these surveys. You can learn more here by clicking this link.

Questions? Feel free to email me at jerry@jerryroseforussenate.com or visit the FAQ portion of this website.