Please watch the video below if you'd like to know the details of my proposed #RepthePeople System of Congressional representation whereby I will communicate with the People, listen to the People to receive their mandate, and then follow through with that mandate. We believe this will be revolutionary in nature, and change the political landscape throughout the U.S. for good, for the People's benefit.
The #RepthePeople System



The duopoly of Democrat and Republican control over our Congress is destroying us. We need to STAND UP AS ONE AND FIGHT for the People and our posterity who are being enslaved to endless debt by the central bankers and multi-billion dollar corporations. Those who are supposed to be our civil servants are instead making their wealthy donors even wealthier at the expense of our prosperity, unity, liberty, and even our very own lives in endless wars overseas.
#RepthePeople #DontTread
Jerry is doing what he can, but he's only one American, here is what you can do to help.
We need to get the word out to everyone, firstly to New Mexico, and secondly to the whole country. We need to inspire the People to run for office themselves, preferably with this unifying platform. We cannot continue to stand by and vote party lines, while Congress continues to destroy this great nation.
Please click below to see all of our social media channels of communication and like and share as much as you can.
This campaign has just begun and we will need all the help we can get. Please contact us if you have any skills you would like to volunteer.
Are you a good writer or communicator? Are you an artist or media producer? Can you go knocking on doors for us? Anything will help. Also, remember that this is really YOUR campaign, so any advice or guidance you'd have for Jerry would also be much appreciated. He's working for you, the People. Will you join him in his work for the People?
Our campaign does not have wealthy backers, but we are only supported by the common American just like you and I. We don't have millions of dollars at our disposal, but we are only asking for $5 dollars from you, the People. This movement is going to prove that Truth, Liberty, Justice, and Love are more powerful than money will ever be. Even if you're out of state and will not be voting for Jerry, you can help us get the message out to his fellow New Mexicans. Donate as much as you'd like, but we only as for five.
Join the Campaign for Independence from the political duopoly.
Jerry Rose for US Senate
1115 Gemini Cir
NM 88130
Tel: 832-928-9536
"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
President George Washington, Farewell Address, September 17, 1796